Unlocking Your Skin Type: A Simple Guide

Greetings, fellow enthusiasts of radiant skin! Ever wondered what skin type you possess in the vast tapestry of complexions, shades, combinations, hues, textures etc? Fear not, for we’re here to demystify the process, using a sprinkle of dermatological wisdom. Prepare to decipher your skin type from the comfort of your own mirror, however big or small, however clouded with fingerprints. Let’s dive in!

Historically, four main skin types have been identified. Oily, Dry, Combination and Normal. At VOUEE, we don’t particularly like the word ‘normal’.  We understand of course that normal refers to regular sebum production which is the process at the core of which category you fall into.

At VOUEE, we talk to a lot of people about their skin, and we are yet to meet one who describes their skin as normal. We thought of calling it ‘non-dry/oily/combo skin’, but decided that identifying something by what it isn’t, can be ……inappropriate! 🙂

It is important to differentiate between the skin type and the skin attributes. For the melanated skin types that are sensitive, sensitivity is an attribute that you can have with dry skin for example. Acne-prone is another one. Prone to hyperpigmentation is another. So here we go.

What is my skin type?

STEP 1:  Confirm you have nowhere to go fast.

STEP 2: Preparing for the Revelation

Begin with a clean slate – a face freshly washed! This is the canvas upon which your skin type truths shall emerge. Ideally, you are using a plain, non-stripping cleanser so it does not artificially impact the result. You can usually tell if it is by how your face feels. If you are not sure, check the ingredients. 

STEP 3 – The Waiting Game

Now, let patience be your virtue. For a short span of time, avoid applying anything to your skin – no moisturisers, toners, or elixirs. Let your skin breathe and settle into its natural state.

STEP 4 – The results

For people with dry skin, you’ll have an answer quicker than most. As time passes, you will slowly start to feel like this.

Do certain areas appear shinier than others? Look at your forehead, nose, and chin – known as the T-zone. Does it gleam a bit more than the rest? This insight hints at your skin’s oil production. If your skin feels taut and lacks oiliness, you might lean towards the “Dry” type. If it’s smooth but shines a bit in the T-zone, you could be “Combination.” And if your skin feels comfortable overall, without extremes, you’re likely “Normal.”

Combination skin for example may feel ‘the stretch’ around the mouth lines and greasy around the nose. It is important to record which parts of your face are dry vs oily vs ‘normal’. This way you can target specific products, but you can also track progress over time.

We recommend taking photos (no filters) of your face during the process. Some of you might notice visible changes. Get right up there so you can zoom in.

Step 5: The Melanin Magic

For those with melanin-rich skin, nuances add intrigue. Whether you are prone to TEWL – transepidermal water loss, dehydration, sensitivity, or your skin tells tales of hyperpigmented acne scars, it is essential to understand your skin type through and through these.

Remember, dear reader, that this is a friendly map to initial self-discovery. There is a lot more to know about your skin, how it responds, what it likes and what it needs.

One thought on “Unlocking Your Skin Type: A Simple Guide

  1. Nikki Spark

    I have combination and it can be really tricky because one product on a certain part of your face doesn’t work on the other. It’s a good test you laid out… Fresh face, don’t put anything on it, wait a bit. I definitely have both dry and oilier spots. At least once you know, you can purchase more targeted skincare products. Helpful article!

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